

Engineering Manager | Senior Structural Engineer

BE(Hons), ME, CMEngNZ, CPEng


Christchurch, Nelson

Andrew is passionate about environmentally focused design and completed his Masters degree with a specialisation in post-tensioned timber structures. He enjoys exploring opportunities to bring sustainable elements into his projects and pushing the boundaries of traditional design.

Andrew started working at Structex in late 2013, before taking a sabbatical to work for Canadian mass timber design specialists, Fast + Epp. In Vancouver, Andrew furthered his expertise in mass timber structures and was involved in several large projects including a 10 storey timber structure. Andrew also has experience in steel and concrete structures, residential and commercial assessments, and seismic strengthening.

In his spare time, Andrew enjoys a wide range of sports, playing Hockey competitively in the winter and touch (not so competitively) in the summer, along with spending time with his young family.